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Submit a support request

Please don't use this form for sales or order queries

Please enter your email address:
Please enter your name:
What product do you want support for?
Product (if other):
Enter the products version number:
Enter your serial number:

Please enter your support query into the box below:

About your Atari (please complete)

Do you have a SCSI Controller? Make: (if other)
Do you have an accelerator? Make/Model (e.g. ICD Adspeed):
Do you have a hard drive? Make/Model/Capacity (e.g. Quantum Trailblazer 840Mb):
Do you have a CD-ROM? Make/Model (e.g. CDU55S or Toshiba 5301):
What TOS are you using? Other + version (e.g. Magic 4 + Ease):
What Atari are you using? Enter other useful machine information
desk accs, auto progs etc.:
What CPU/processor are you using?
How much RAM do you have?